
Getting settled in LA has proven easier and much more productive than I'd imagined it would be this time around.  After nearly fifteen years of West Coast living, I thought I was finished out there, but it turns out I was quite mistaken.  Maybe things are going so well because I'm in a much different place in my life than before, or that I've got a pretty good job, not really sure.  All I know is that I'm happy and there's a lightness to my environment I haven't noticed in a while.  No expectations.  That's the key.  Go with it and take each day as new.A couple of days off from the CRB afforded me the chance for another trip home this weekend, which I look forward to each time, as it helps me to keep things in perspective and I'm grateful for my hometown family.  Three gigs with the Champs, lots of hang time with my bro's, some good southern cooking (thanks, Camille!) then it's right back to work.  Exhausting, yes but incredibly rewarding and fun.  To be honest, I'd like to try and make this into a regular thing.  Maybe a house in Memphis and an apartment in LA.  Not a bad way to live, right?Thanks to Neal Casal for this wonderful image.  You're a master of the lens.


I'm blushing a little...


Double Digits!