5 Weeks and An Aching Back
It was a long tour for the CRB this time around and although our break is short before the next run, I welcome this time-off with open arms. Several weeks ago, I injured my back (still don't know exactly how) and have been in a constant state of pain ever since. That is, until I got back home a few days ago and a good friend turned me onto a doctor here in LA who has a reputation of having a healing touch. After only one visit to his office, I can already tell that when I get on the other side of this situation, I'm going to come out of it a better, stronger and (hopefully) more conscious person. Meet Taisuke Jo (aka, Doctor Jo). I'll let you do your own research on him, but here's one small, powerful quote from his site..."Firmly believing in “心身一如” (pronounced Shin shin itchy nyo which translates to “Integration of Mind and Body”), Taisuke’s passion is to help his patient understand the signs and symptoms conveyed by their body, thereby allowing the innate healing ability possessed by all living being to engage and to work in harmony with the conscious mind."His Functional Medicine program revolves around a holistic treatment, balancing the mental, physical and chemical. I'm going to get a lot out of this.More to come...