So Far, So Good

Improved diet can lead to an improved state of mind, at least for me and I'm feeling better as the days go by. Not only have I introduced my body to the gluten-free lifestyle, I've also had no sugar, no bread, no alcohol, no red meat, no dairy and no caffeine for three weeks, which has been tough to maintain seeing as how there are always plenty of each on the tour bus, but it's proven to be beneficial for my overall health, so I have to keep it up. The color of my skin has changed, my eyes are clearer, I've lost weight and my teeth look whiter. How crazy is that? I've been eating salads, fresh organic vegetables (when available), avocados, olives, fish, chicken, rice, seeds, nuts and drinking nearly a gallon of water every day. I even broke down and swam a few laps in a couple of the hotel pools this week and I haven't done anything like that in years, as ridiculous as that sounds. But it's true, I am generally very lazy by nature and only an act of God will get me off the couch or away from the computer long enough to burn some calories. Of course, people comment all the time about how I must be staying in great shape because I'm a drummer and I guess it's partly true but to be honest, if I had to run a quarter of a mile to escape a hungry lion, there's a pretty good chance it would be my last race.So for now, I'm sticking with it.I'm away from my apartment for the next two months and can't stop thinking about the Rogers kit that's sitting in my room in LA (which I've posted about before) waiting for my return. Recently, I found a floor tom that matched the set, as that was the one missing piece and I had to get it but I only got to play on it for a few days before having to leave for this tour. Check 'em out...The CRB will be in Memphis in a couple of days and many family members and close friends will be in attendance, which always makes for a good time. And at the end of this run, I'll be making it back home to Memphis for eight days and we'll see how well I stick to my diet. I've got another gorgeous set of Rogers there as well, so at least I'll have that to fall back on in case I happen to cave in when my mom offers me chocolate cake. HA!




Yes, I'm Going To Brag